Friday, April 29, 2011

Baby Cried the Day the Circus Came to Town

There are only about eight fewer things I love doing more than planning an event and my daughter’s birthday (her 4th) was more than an event, it was an extravaganza! In serious planning mode since January, I considered every detail and set a course to produce the Greatest Show on Earth … or At Least Our Little Corner of It!!!

Our circus guests dined on hot dogs, nachos, cotton candy and peanuts; they made their own circus party hats, posed in a photo booth, played games like Pin the Nose on the Clown and Elephant Ring Toss. The children ran around the grounds with innocent abandon while the adults looked on and wished they had a fraction of the energy on display.

There were prizes and candy, cake and ice cream, presents and friends. The only thing missing?


Don’t misunderstand, I took my camera to the park for the circus extravaganza and even managed to take about 568 pictures. However, when I got home to check out my awe-inspiring photography, the wind left my multi-colored big top tent. Upon entry into its dedicated slot, the memory card made a noise similar to that of a farting wildebeest and displayed a blank window on my screen. All my pictures were gone. My wild keening was heard about 11 blocks away and when I could finally breathe normally again, I attempted a recovery mission.

I downloaded an application, went through all the steps prepared myself to weep with joy as I expectantly gazed at the screen waiting for the lost photos to magically reappear.

Yeah, not so much.

The recovery mission was a failure and I have absolutely no pictures from my daughter’s 4th birthday party. It’s a good thing I have an excellent memory because I can recall those special moments later on in life.

Now where did I put my gingko-biloba?

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could help, but I only took 2 pictures at Vivi's party. One of Olivia and one of Delaney. So sorry!!! :( Was anyone else there snapping pictures?
