Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How Does That Make You Feel?

My emotions lately have run the gamut from depressed to elated, from giddy to livid…and back again. I have no reason to believe I suffer from bipolar disorder or any serious mental imbalance (although some might argue otherwise) because all those emotions are situational in their basis. It mind boggling that I can change moods so quickly…going from laid-back mommy to raging evil queen in 2.2 seconds!

Relationships with people are so delicate that I wonder sometimes if I have irrevocably changed their course with my emotional outbursts. I witness my daughter jump and recoil from me, I receive of look of incredulity from my boyfriend, and I usually elicit a “whoa” from most other folks.

Is The Pie destined to spend thousands of dollars on therapy in the future simply to determine that my yelling damaged her self-esteem? Does The Prince think I am a raving lunatic when tears leap to my eyes for no apparent reason? When Dad looks at me like I have just insulted his mother, is it because I inadvertently unleashed the bitch that resides inside?

How can I possibly be normal if I can be in the middle of a benign conversation one minute and then inviting someone to engage in coitus with themselves the next? I baffle myself. And that’s WITH medication!!

Good thing I have counseling tomorrow….

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