Thursday, June 24, 2010

Technology Tirade

Technology is a most wonderful thing! I recently acquired a new cell phone upon which I can access email, write letters, build spreadsheets, take pictures, send those pictures, text message, schedule meetings, compose ringtones…oh yeah, and make calls. It’s a fancy little item that both intrigues and frightens me. Most technology does.

Even in the realm of electronic toys, I am occasionally baffled. Yeah, I know how to push buttons, but that’s the least of it. Now kid’s electronics come with stylus pens and draw pads, interactive screens and talking hosts (in both English and Spanish, I might add)!! Video games now have buttons and sticks, and slideys and whammer-dingers…as humans, we don’t even have enough digits to operate all those things! When video games first arrived in my periphery, it consisted of a black screen, flanked by two white bars and a mind-numbing game of catch. Pong – that game stole about 1300 hours of my childhood from me! Now Asteroids, that’s the ticket! I imagine I could retire a wealthy woman and never have to work again if only I could recoup all the quarters spent at the Silver Mine!

What else did I have when I was a kid? Etch-A-Sketch and Clik-Claks! It took roughly 18 months for me to learn how to draw a circle on the damn Etch-A-Sketch and the only real application of the Clik-Claks, apart from imposing a concussion upon myself, was to hang around my neck as the stunt-double for my as-yet-to-arrive breasts! When I was three, the current age of the Pie, I played with rubber bands, sticks and balloons. The Pie, she plays, video games featuring her favorite TV show characters. There’s a Wow Wow Wubbzy! Game where she maneuvers through Wuzzleberg to catch a 50 foot fleegle. There’s a Dora the Explorer game where she goes hunting for presents for her new puppy; and there’s even an Alphabet Park game that requires her identify letters and spell words. Well, at least there was.

I am sad to report that the video game console has gone to the great scrap heap in the sky. The Pie was inconsolable….until it was removed from her vision and replaced with something more far more advanced and mysterious…. Mama’s makeup!

No service will be held to honor the precious life given in service to the Pie.
Donations may be made to the Ginormous Thumb Rehabilitation Clinic.

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