Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Random "Shower" of Thoughts

I do my best thinking in the shower. It’s the only place that I really have to myself, with no one asking me to put something in them, rub something on them or do something for them. Usually, I can put together some pretty incredible strings while soaping up, but today, I felt disjointed and ended up with a real stream-of-consciousness vibe going on.

As I shampooed my hair, I started thinking about breakfast (because I was hungry) and then food in general. I wondered about the brave souls who first ate a coconut, an artichoke or crab legs…they seem so labor intensive and yet are quite delicious. Those people must have been REALLY hungry to work so hard for the little bit of food they found. I would have been incredibly pissed off. But that’s just me.

Now the rinse: I wish I looked good bald. Not that I know if I look bad…I’ve never been bald, but the time and effort it takes for me to do my hair seems ridiculous. I could be sweeping or mopping or something else more productive with my time! But because I don’t want to be stared at and my new boyfriend (I can’t believe it either!) likes me to have hair, I guess I will soldier on.

The soap-up: I am so proud to personally know people who have served in the military…and I need to make some calls about insurance and home health care after my surgery. (Surgery is scheduled for April 25th and involves a tender area of my nether regions and will require dressing changes. I refuse to ask my father or daughter to complete this task!!) Did I hear the phone ringing?
Shaving: I want to back in time and meet the first chick that shaved her legs and/or armpits. Then I want to punch her in the throat for starting this laborious trend. Again…a lot of work, for not a lot of reward. I sense a theme!
Foot Scrub: I need to come up with a yummy sugar-free dessert for cooking out with the fella (his name is Carl) and his son (Cody) and son’s girlfriend (Heather) this week. That will be fun! Why was I so nervous about changing my Facebook relationship status? And why did we have to discuss it before it happened? Technology makes us weirdoes.
Final Rinse: I like him. Really. A lot. I like his kid, too. A lot. Did I hear the phone ringing?

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