Thursday, January 29, 2015

Off to Work I Go

I’d been thinking about going back to work full-time for several weeks. Dad was in the nursing home and the majority of his monthly income needed to go toward paying for that outrageous bill. I had a job all lined up to start December 1, but after Dad passed away I didn't feel up to dealing with people in any situation the demanded I not cry copiously for no apparent reason. There was money in the bank to last me and The Pie a little while, so I forfeited that opportunity.

Right after Christmas, I stepped up my job search – sending out resumes to just about any industry that offered something close to what I wanted to do! I knew I needed income and I knew I would need it soon. I approached my search aggressively and it paid off.
In the first week of January, I had nine (9) interviews! It felt really validating that I still was considered valuable in the workplace. My skills, admittedly, have gotten a little rusty, but I can still keep up. At first, I wondered if my absence from being a member of the gainfully employed club worked as an obstacle to even being considered. However, as the calls kept coming in, I became more and more confident that I would find … something. Most of the interviews went very well, a couple were definitely not what I was looking for, so I made sure they ended quickly. As I played the waiting game, jumping every time the phone rang, I tried to decide which position I really wanted.  And then it happened.

On a Monday afternoon, I had two job offers within a few minutes of each other. I couldn't believe it! One company manufactures video gaming machines and one of the benefits is getting free lunch every day. The other company is an internationally known and respected aviation, flight and technology college and it’s closer to my home. I accepted the position as a Financial Aid Advisor with the flight school.
I've been on the job for three weeks and I really know I made the right choice. I am working in education again, helping students fund their education that will improve the rest of their lives. It is very rewarding to me to think that I can help a young man or woman follow their dreams. My co-workers are fun and knowledgeable and I feel like I fit in.

The Pie has been having some adjustment issues, though. She’s not used to me being unavailable to her. For most of her life, I have always been there for her – dropping her off at school, attending class parties, volunteering, and picking her up in the afternoons. She misses me and clings to me when we are at home. The best part of that scenario is that she hardly ever wants friends to come over!

I’m looking forward to a long career in my new position and will undoubtedly have many “interesting stories” to share. Stay tuned!

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