Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Star-Studded Shopping

I have seen the underwear of the biggest country music superstar of all time. I even know what kind and size he wears. I should clarify by telling you that at the time I swept my peepers over the tightie-whities and t-shirts of this mega-star, they were hermetically sealed in a package and lying in a Target shopping cart. While shopping this afternoon, I ran into this man who dominated the charts for a decade. Yes, literally “ran” into him. I was returning to my cart and backed into him, turned and said, “Excuse me, I’m so sorry…HOLY CRAP! I mean, hello, my name is Jackie. I graduated high school with (your ex-wife).” He smiled that wide smile that America loves, his ice blue eyes sparkling, and said, “Hi…I’m Garth.”
 Yep. I live in the same relatively small town that counts Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood as residents. His ex-wife Sandy and I graduated the same year from our high school they have neighboring properties in our town and by all accounts have a very amicable relationship. I confess that I am easily embarrassingly star-struck and the idea of meeting celebrities just makes jittery and emit noises similar to Spongebob Squarepants.

Since I moved back in with my dad, I have actually hoped to run into some people from high school or other folks I used to know and it has not happened once. I admit being mildly disappointed about it. But today certainly made up for it! Mr. Brooks welcomed my introduction and appeared to endure my verbal diarrhea with graciousness. We chatted about high school stuff and he told me his eldest daughter has dated the son of one my classmates for several years. He fawned over the Pie, who strangely sat quietly in the cart and stared, and then he said would send my regards to Sandy.

As we parted company, and Garth made his purchase, I realized that I had made polite conversation with and shaken the hand of a real live, no-doubt-about supermegastar, but today he was just a dude who needed new underpants. Very cool.

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