Tuesday, June 14, 2011

52 Pick Up

Confession time: my daughter has WAY too much stuff. Mostly toys. And she cannot stand to leave them on the shelves, or in the toy box, or in the storage bins. For some reason, she needs to be able to glance at any given square inch of our 1200 square foot house and find one of her playthings. Me? I can't stand it! I am all about organization - a place or everything and everything in it's place.

Today I counted and kept track of the things that I picked up and put away (some items more than once) and was astounded at the multi-colored flotsam and jetsam I waded through to achieve the smallest amount of standard organization. My strong back proved victorious against the enemy, but I don't know how long it will hold out.

Strewn about my living space were:
1 monkey towel (the Pie's favorite)
2 shredded tissues (those might have actually been courtesy of the dog)
3 crayons
3 Polly Pocket Dolls
4 pairs of shoes (making 8 total)
4 stuffed animals
5 socks (don't ask about the singleton...I have no clue)
6 La La Loopsy mini-dolls (those things can really do a number on bare feet!)
9 Little Pet Shop pets
and 15 various McDonald's Happy Meal toys (as God as my witness, I will one day shove every one of them up Ronald McDonald's nose. Just have to find the freak first!!)

Alas, these 52 items do not complete the list. I also picked up stuff of my dad's:
3 dropped pills
2 towels (left on the bathroom floor)
2 pairs of shoes (4 total)
22 pieces of junk mail (that piled up since I moved in)
and 1AWOL hearing aid

So, to be clear...I am picking up what you're laying down.

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