Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Parental Divide

Admitting I don't know everything is difficult for me, but it is the harsh reality. I have only been a parent for 4 years so I have no experience with teenage angst (other than my own, of course), or other issues that apply to children older than the age of my own little Pie. What I do know, and consider myself expert in the field of, is what I feel is best for my child and what I can live with. Honestly, sometimes those are exclusive to one another, but for the most part, they exist in harmonious glory. People who are not familiar with my child or know anything about us often attempt to instruct me on how to parent my daughter. But here's what I have to say to them:


My child is an individual and what works for most kids may not work for her and vice versa. I am exceedingly weary of women piping up in the check-out line at Wal Mart to tell me that my child needs a coat, or shouldn't be drinking from a sippy cup, or should be able to conjugate at least 10 verbs at her age. What makes these people think that I don't know what's best for my own child? The Pie happens to be very warm blooded and rarely gets cold, even in the deepest of winter, so wearing a coat for her is torture. When we travel away from home, she takes a sippy cup because I don't want to deal with the inevitable mess that will result from a spill. And yes, she is 4 and still talks like Cookie Monster...we are dealing with that, OK?

When I notice this situation developing, what I desire most is to punch the sanctimonious ass-hat in the throat and holler "Mind your own business, you daft cow!" But I can't risk being banned from Wal Mart. So, I nod and and make some noncommittal remark and psychically will the checker to engage warp speed so I can make my escape. Why must I defend my actions as a parent? I know the basics - stuff like not letting her play in the street, keeping her away from plastic bags, feed her - that kind of stuff, so why am I - and other moms for that matter - under such intense scrutiny?

Why must mothers be divided on the issue of parenting? After all, what we really want is to raise responsible, caring, inquisitive, loving, kind, intelligent people to launch out into the world...what difference does it make how they get there?

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