Sunday, September 11, 2011

Terror in a Child's Eyes

It’s been 10 years. Seems like it was just last month, but in truth, an entire decade has passed since the worst terrorist attack in American history. Of course, the Pie was six years from being born and the last thing I ever expected was to have to explain to a child what happened that fateful day.

With all the media coverage and network specials flooding the television, the Pie was bound to see something she didn’t understand. She witnessed a shot of the twin towers spewing smoke into the sky and simply asked, “What happened?”

My initial response explained that it was not happening right now, but that it happened a long time ago. I had to set her mind at ease we faced no imminent danger. She climbed into my lap, stared at me with her indigo eyes and asked, “Is it bad?”

I told her that a long time ago, some very bad men stole some airplanes and flew them into some buildings to hurt American people. Of course, her natural response followed: “Why?” I was stumped. I couldn’t answer the why…fact, is I have never known the real reason it happened. I only know that it resulted in death and destruction. If I can’t understand it, how can I explain it to a four-year-old?

I was not directly affected by 9/11 but as a member of the national community, it left an impression on me. I get emotional when I hear stories of bravery and sacrifice that occurred that day. On a trip to New York in 2004, I stood at Ground Zero and wept. Still, I’m at a loss as to how to bring understanding to my daughter about the horrific events.

The images she sees on the television are of burning buildings, ominous clouds and people running for their lives. Not exactly Sesame Street fodder, so she has questions. But I don’t believe she needs to know details about what happened; she needs to know how to live with the knowledge that it happened.

In her eyes, she is safe and nothing bad will ever happen to her. In my eyes, the world is just waiting for her…

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