Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What I Believe

If we happen to meet at some social gathering, here's a tip: 
Do not ask my thoughts about abortion, racial intolerance, bullying, Obama, war or any other incendiary topic. I make a conscious effort to very rarely participate in political or religious discussions. Not because I don't care about the issues, but because I am not informed enough on current topics to be able to speak coherently about them. Plus, I only care about issues that directly affect me and my family. I understand that as an American, a mother, a baby boomer, or any of the other positions or labels that may apply to me, I have a responsibility to be aware of what's happening in our government. 

Ain't nobody got time for that! Seriously, I am way too busy to concern myself over what Senator or Congressman abused their power on any given day, or what some has-been celebrity thinks about gay marriage. I can't concern myself with starving children half a world away, when I often struggle to feed my own! I have absolutely NO reason to comment on Obamacare, because my dad has Medicare and my daughter and I are on Medicaid. I don't care that some muckety-muck told his girlfriend to not bring black people to basketball games. War, what is it good for? Unless some crazy-ass country attacks American soil, I won't be able to talk about wars or military actions or conflicts in other countries. 

What I CAN say is what I believe. In my heart, where it counts. Admittedly, some of my beliefs are diametrically opposed to one another.  But it is I, not you or some politician, that will have to reconcile that. I don't need someone who can't run the country telling me how to run my life. 

I BELIEVE in God. Nuff said. 

I BELIEVE that public education should be a priority to the government. The children we educate today will be the leaders of the future. Further, I BELIEVE that teachers should NEVER have to pay out of their overstretched pockets to purchase supplies for their classrooms. 

I BELIEVE that a woman should have the right to decide what happens to her body. With specific regard to abortion, I think it should be legalized and made safe for women who make the decision, for whatever reason, to terminate their pregnancy. 

I BELIEVE that gay marriage should be legalized across the country. I know a gay couple that has been together nearly 20 years. They should be able to have the same rights as any other couple in love. With the divorce rate at nearly 50% in this country, we need something to lower those odds! 

I BELIEVE that veterans of the military should be treated with respect and dignity and given as many benefits as possible. For as long as they live. 

I BELIEVE that recipients of welfare payments, food stamps (and I am one), and other government subsidies should be subjected to drug tests. I will happily go pee in a cup every 6 months in order to feed my family. 

I BELIEVE that healthcare should be affordable and available to all American citizens. The government should not force people to purchase insurance if they don't want it or can't afford it. 

I BELIEVE that if my child publicly behaves in a way that warrants a swat on the behind, I should not be approached by store managers when I deliver it in the housewares section of their store. 

I BELIEVE that if I choose to drive without a seat belt, the risk I take is my own. Survival of the fittest. 

I BELIEVE that if some kid is truly bullying my daughter at school, she should have the right to protect herself from those assaults - verbal or physical. 

I BELIEVE that society has softened younger generations by formulating "less offensive" phrases. Fat people should be called fat, not "full figured."  Black people should be called black, not "pigmentally enhanced." People with "personality challenges" should just be called assholes. 

I BELIEVE that we should support our active military personnel in their endeavors. We don't have to agree with their missions. But conversely, 

I BELIEVE that "big swinging dick" government types should stay out of other countries' business and focus on the wars already raging here on American soil. 

I BELIEVE that I should be able to state my beliefs without fear of retribution, attempts to sway my thoughts or denigration. It's a free country, right? 


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