Thursday, March 8, 2012

Top Five: Activities

Today marks the first of a series of my Top Fives. That is, a list of the five things that I like most...and today, it's ACTIVITIES. These are things I enjoy doing more than anything else. You will not find either of the following on the list: camping, hunting, fishing, or any form of car racing. If you are surprised about that, then you don't really know me! Okay, here we go (in no particular order):

1. COOKING - I taught myself to cook at a very young age because my mother could only successfully prepare about 5 meals - and one of those was liver - so I wanted to add some variety. I remember watching Julia Child on Saturday mornings on PBS and was fascinated by how she took a bunch of stuff, threw it together and then served it as a meal. Now baking is a different thing; I like baked goods, but I sometimes have difficulty with the precise measuring and all. I like to change things up and experiment, so cooking is fun for me. I prefer cooking for a lot of people, filling them up inside with tasty warmth and goodness, then basking in the "mmm"s and "ohmigawd"s that follow.

2. EATING - what's the point of cooking if I can't eat it? I get excited when I am trying a new recipe and think about all the possibilities that it holds. I especially love eating out because then I don't have the clean up to worry about. I like all kinds of food and will try anything once. I DO NOT like raw tomatoes and eschew them as often as possible. Don't mind them cooked, but they just seem wrong in their natural they're not finished or something. Also, I discovered a long time ago that it is physically impossible to eat and cry at the same time.

3. READING - I am never without a book...I am always in the middle of reading something. I do not read several books at once, because that feels like I'm cheating on all the books. I like to dedicate myself to the characters and plot of one book at a time so that they actually become a part of my consciousness. Whenever I read a book, I create the visual setting in my mind by associating it with a real place in my life and I cast the characters in the movie of the book. I did it with "The Help" and was surprised at how accurate I was...except for Skeeter - I was WAY off! I prefer thrillers or legal and medical suspense, but I do read various genres. I don't exclusively read novels, but that's what I seem drawn to the most. Authors like Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Jeffrey Deaver and Tami Hoag are favorites, but I like finding debut novels from writers that affect me. Makes me think I might have a chance someday of getting published myself.

4. KISSING - I recently rediscovered this particular joy of life. Because so many different kinds of kisses exist, there seems limitless options for kissing. I kiss my daughter's smooth cheek, her scraped knee, her burned fingers (long story), but I also kiss Dad on the forehead, the cat on the nose and the dog on the head. I obviously have an oral fixation. It had been a long time since I last kissed in a dating scenario, but delightfully found that I still like it! It's intimate, fun, teasing, aggressive and romantic so I like to do it A LOT! I'd rather spend hours kissing that moving on to whatever base is next. Sorry guys, but that's how it is. 

5. LAUGHING - It's one of the most cathartic, liberating things to do and I take advantage of every opportunity to laugh. I especially love to do it with my daughter...and that's easy because we are always cracking each other up. Our mutual admiration society is ALL about laughing. Laughter relieves stress, calms our nerves and binds us together. I adore when my Pie is really tickled because she throws her head back and really let loose with a squeal that calls the neighbor dogs and it's one of my favorite sounds...but that's another blog entry. 

So, it's a place to start and if there's any other topic you might want me to have list my top five on, please feel free to suggest one! Next week: Smells!

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