Sunday, March 4, 2012

News and Updates: All the News That's Fit to Share

Due to circumstances completely within my control, but far outside my ability to manage, my access to posting has been very strictly limited for a while. However, I have returned for a brief time to supply updates and info for those who care. I have a plan to post regularly ( at least weekly) that should be easy to accommodate so ya'll go on ahead and get all excited...

  • I managed to strain a ligament in my left foot that has left me sporting a "big ugly boot" (BUG) for nearly 6 weeks. I don't wear it as often as I should so my healing process is slowed. It is still quite painful and inconvenient but it does justify parking in a handicapped spot at Wal-Mart.
  • The Pie has decided to drop out of her dance class. For weeks she was uninterested and simply not engaged in the class. She loves to dance, but on her own terms. She's more of a free-style dancer at this stage and doesn't care for being told how to shake her booty.
  • I am considering looking for a part-time job. The financial situation at my house is quite strained and the only answer at this point is find a way to make more money. It's a double edged sword, really because I will probably only make enough money to pay for the daycare required for the Pie.
  • I began some crafting projects aimed at "girlifying" the house. My father's house is dark, masculine and dated, so a few feminine touches here and there are sure to improve the feel of the space. I have selected a kind of shabby chic or modern vintage look using the colors of aqua, green, chocolate and ivory. Perhaps pictures will be in order after some of the items are incorporated in the decor.
  • I am earnestly planning the Pie's birthday party (which takes place in 7 weeks). This year's theme is "Cowgirl Round-Up". I expect this to be the biggest party yet, in terms of attendance, so I am trying to get an early start. I don't want to be swiping icing on a cake just as guests arrive!
  • I made the decision to consider dating again. It's been more than five years since what masqueraded as a relationship ended and I feel like I have a lot to offer in a relationship. I will use dates as my required "me time" to relax and not think about cleaning or cooking or washing or...anything but having a good time.
  • Counseling has proven to be a God send for me. I have a great counselor who has the uncanny ability to reveal to me how baseless and just plain ridiculous the things I think about myself are. I highly recommend counseling to everyone at least once in your lives. You can learn a lot about yourself.
My weekly scheduled posts will feature my Top Fives. Residing in my head (it can be a scary place) are endless lists of my Top Five favorite things...actors, songs, movies, smells, etc. Each week I will elaborate on each category but when another topic arrives that I must share...I most certainly will!

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