Monday, September 3, 2012

Pie Theory

Some of the best conversations The Pie and I have had were during a nighttime car ride and this past weekend did not disappoint. On our way home from a friend’s house, The Pie began to wax philosophical while staring at the “Blue Moon.”

Pie: “Mama, what happens if all the people on Earth die?”

Me: “Then no one would be left to take care of it?”

Pie: “Would all the animals and plants and trees and lakes and oceans die, too?”

Me: “Probably. If there are no humans to take care of them, they just might.”

Pie: “Yeah.”

I knew it wouldn’t end there. It is not possible for her to leave something alone without exhaustively talking it out. Ok, here we go:

Pie:” Mama, I have an idea.”

Me: “Really, what’s that?”

Pie: “I think after all the people are dead, that God should send two angels back here in human being form to start all over.”

Me: “How would that work?”

Pie: “Well, God had to make sure they know all the rules to follow so they can take good care of everything and make more people so after the angels leave, everyone else will know how to take care of stuff.”

Me: “How will the angels make new people?”

Pie: “Mama (in a very annoyed tone), you KNOW how that happens. Duh!”

Me: (fighting laughter) “You’re right I do. Do you?”

Pie: “Yes. God puts special babies in ladies’ tummies that don’t have a husband and they are the best babies in the world and when they grow up they can save the world.”

Me: “That sounds pretty neat…are you one of those babies?”

Pie: “Well, yeah…it was my idea to bring the angels back and so I saved the world!”

Me: “That is fantastic!”

Pie: “Yeah…AND I did it in kindergarten!!”

Moments later, she fell asleep. Dreaming, I assume, of what wonderful feat she will accomplish next.

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